What's in a name...

Have you been curious about where our name came from? Ellipsis International… If you know what an ellipsis is (hint: it’s the … used in grammar), then you may have figured it out. But, just in case - let me explain:



  • An ellipsis is often used to symbolize a thought or idea is not yet finished or complete…

That’s exactly what we believe the Lord wants to use us to do. So many children who have been hurt, overlooked, abandoned, or trafficked believe they are just that — period! But we don’t see them as orphan [period], street kid [period], or forgotten [period]. We believe there is an ellipsis — because their story isn’t yet finished. God has so much more planned for them and sees them as son, daughter, loved, and worth it.

I’m willing to bet you can relate in some way… Your story isn’t finished yet either, is it? Are you still breathing? Then, I think it is safe to say your story isn’t over.

Can you imagine feeling like everyone else in the world matters but you? You probably can think of a time when you felt something similar - like no one cared…

Well, we know someone who does care - about absolutely everything in your life. The problem is, there are things (namely resulting from a broken, fallen world) that happen that are beyond unfair. Those things we often refer to by saying “life happens,” “that’s life!” or “life’s not fair.” Of course, all true, but it is much easier said than done to let “life” just roll off your back. More than likely, that “life” is still on your back and you’re actually carrying it around every day. It gets heavier and heavier as you continue to try and let things go that actually hurt you in some way.

Before long, you find yourself depressed, anxious, and labeled by everything you truly don’t want to be labeled by.

Just like our camp tells children, I want to tell you as well - you don't have to be stuck in this. There is a way out - a way to true freedom!



Jesus came to set us free from the bondage of sin, our past, and the brokenness of life that separates us from Him (John 3:16).

Ellipsis International exists to share the freedom of the Gospel with children around the world and also with you. God loves you so much and wants you to know that. We have to choose to believe it or choose to allow ourselves to believe it. He’s waiting, fully offering His love to us. All we have to do is take it.

We pray you know this truth.

If you have a passion for sharing this with others, we encourage you to come with us, both locally and globally. Freedom Camp is a 5-day camp that shares the Gospel with children who have been through hard things. In reality, that may be true for more children than we can imagine. So, we want to reach all children because you never know who feels unloved, worthless, and forgotten.

We have several opportunities… You can come on a summer mission trip with us, join a local mission trip camp, or do your own - we would love to train you to do what the Lord is calling you to do. We can’t wait to hear from you!